Ticket Pick up

by Chris Reynolds

Platinum Member season tickets are available for pick up!

BRING VALID IDENTIFICATION. If you are sending a third party, they must provide a copy of the Platinum Members identification. No Exceptions.

(4) options for you at the following locations..

1. Easy Chair Plus Saturday (tomorrow) from 11am - 5pm
2. Vista Pawn Shop on Sunday from 12pm - 5pm
3. Easy Chair Plus, Monday through Friday, 11am - 5pm
4. Ford Idaho Center (Will Call), Saturday Game Day, 4pm - Half time

Easy Chair Plus, 5119 N Glenwood St, Garden City, ID
Vista Pawn, 130 Caldwell Blvd, Nampa, ID

Please send questions to info@gohorsemen.com

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the games! #POSSEUP